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IgMp Top 6 Updates (20th July) !! 1) HAL to equip Elta ELM-2052 AESA radars into Tejas Mk1 jet, 2) I

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited will integrate, the Elta E L M 2052 airborne A E S A radar system, on one of the two, limited series production tejas mark 1 fighter jet, which was originally procured for the darin 3 upgrade program, of the jaguar strike aircraft. as the company has decided, to test many of the features, and equipments of the tejas mark 1 A variant, like dual rack pylons, external self-protection jammer pod, and new smart multi-function displays, before the first aircraft is ready, for first flight by 2023. the deal for 83 Tejas mark 1 A fighter jets, is likely to happen by the end of this year, and many defense analysts have expressed concern, that it might slip further, due to the current economic situation.

The indian army has announced, an emergency procurement of light air transportable tanks, and the previous preliminary general staff qualitative requirements, mentioned the need for 300 light tanks, fitted with a 105 millimeters or 120 millimeters cannon, and the defensive suites should offer, protection against laser thermal and radar guided projectiles, and also offer nbc protection, as far as the U S is concerned, its ground forces will receive, 12 pre-production prototypes, from two manufacturers, general dynamics land systems, and the bae systems. and one company will be finally selected, in 2022, for eventual construction of 504 light tanks. the Korean k21 light tank, with a 105 millimeters main gun, developed jointly by Belgium and south korea, comes with a unique capability of 42 degree angle of fire, and weighs only 25 tonnes, and has a better armor protection than the russian sprit sdm lightweight tank on offer. the production facility of larsen and tubro, will be idle, after completing the remaining 49 k-9 howitzers by the end of this year, and the local production of the k-21 at this facility, will also be a boost to the private sector. it is to be noted that, the russian army had rejected further orders, for the sprit sdm1 tanks, after inducting only 24 units, and a new light air transportable tank, is currently under development. the swedish cv 90 light tank with 120 millimeters main gun, is an air transportable tank, and weighs approximately 32 tonnes. and apart from some stealth features, with low radar acoustic, and infrared signature, it has all the defensive suites, and nbc protection, required by the indian army, and its modular armor, can also be configured, to various levels of protection.

As the direct import of 93,895 CAR 816 carbines, from U A E firm Caracal, will now be decided, in the next D A C meeting in august. india must look towards, the various options offered by its local industry. the indian army has already signed a contract, with the indo-israeli joint venture firm P L R systems, for the fast-track procurement of 16,479 Negave light machine guns, and the company has recently announced, that it will start the local production, of the new Carmel and Arad rifles of Israel. india's private sector firm sss defense, has successfully developed the p-72 family of carbines, and replacing the CAR 816 with the p-72, would give a big boost, to the Indian defense industry, and the make in India dream of the modi government. bharat forge and european company thales, has offered the local production of F 90 carbines, at the same price, offered by the U A E based company Caracal international.

the indian navy has started, a major naval exercise, with several Indian destroyers, frigates, submarines, as well as P 8 I maritime patrol aircraft, equipped with harpoon block two, anti-ship missile systems, and mark 54 lightweight torpedoes, near the strategic malacca strait, through which, 80 percent of china's oil and other trade passes.

Indigenously designed and developed guided bomb, Smart Anti Airfield Weapon (SAAW), capable of engaging ground targets, with high precision, out to a range of 100 km, is heading towards production. after DRDO concluded three back to back trials, with different release conditions, during 16 to 18 August 2018, and all the mission objectives have been achieved. The 120-kg class smart weapon is intended against runways, bunkers, aircraft hangers, and other reinforced structures. the lightweight high-precision guided bomb, is one of the world-class weapons systems, designed and developed in the country. SAAW, has been tested from Jaguar and Su-30MKI, and will be adapted for all fighter jets, in the IAF fleet. it has shown higher precision than missiles. Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Indian Navy, had put up the combined requirement for, 500 Smart Anti-Airfield Weapon (SAAW) long-range precision-guided anti-airfield weapon, and presently negotiation is underway, between all concerned parties, to start the production of the weapon system, in batches. IgMp has been informed, that the weapon has undergone, eight developmental trials till date, and performance of the system for different ranges, under multiple launch conditions, has been demonstrated to IAF.

Russian experts have said, that the su-35 offered to India, will be equipped with, the new Irbis E stealth hunter radar, which is capable to detect stealth fighter jets, at a ranges of 90 kilometers, and 4.5 generation fighters at 400 kilometers. the su-35 boasts a number of advanced next generation capabilities, which includes a larger payload of 14 air-to-air missiles, powerful AL 41F engines, with three-dimensional thrust vectoring capabilities, for super maneuverability, a 70 reduction in radar cross-section, as compared to the su-27, and with the R 37M hypersonic missile system, it can go head-to-head, with all existing Chinese, as well as western fighters, like the F35A, and the newly developed F15 E X.

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