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IgMp Top 5 Updates !! 1) Nirbhay cruise missile to be inducted by 2021, 2) INS Arighat SSBN inductio

The paperwork, for the 5.2 billion dollar contract for 83 Tejas Mark 1 A fighter jets, is completed, and it is now awaiting, a final clearance, from the Finance Ministry. The mark 1 A variant, is regarded as the true light combat aircraft, by the Indian Air Force. And apart from, some well-known technical improvements, like an A E S A radar system, mid air refuelling probe, updated internal radar warning receiver, and a self-protection jammer pod. Some other improvements have also been made, that will make a huge difference, in maintainability, as large number of screws has been replaced, by quick-release fasteners, which makes it easier and faster for maintenance, and will considerably bring down, the time required to service the aircraft.

The sixth successful test firing, of the indigenous Nirbhay cruise missile, was conducted in April 2019, in which it had covered, a range of 650 kilometers, and navigated several waypoints located at different altitudes, from 5 meters to 2.5 kilometres, and it also validated terrain hugging, and sea skimming capabilities. New reports indicates, that the DRDO, will start a series of tests, of the indigenous cruise missile system, by the end of this year, which will be followed by, the induction of, twelve by twelve, high mobility vehicle based, launch regimens by, mid 2021. the DRDO and the Indian Navy, have also started, to conduct a range extension studies, for a 1500 kilometer long range ship launched cruise missile system, which was recently cleared by the Ministry of Defense, for the Navy, and will also be adopted later, with different air launched and ground launched variants, with the Indian Air Force and the Indian army. It could involve, a three stage power system, a solid booster for launching, the indigenous Manik turbofan engine to power it, through its cruise phase, and finally a ramjet engine, that will enable supersonic speed, while approaching its target.

As the INS Arighat nuclear submarine is, scheduled for a highly secretive induction in the Indian Navy in mid 2020, the extended Arihant class design based submarine, known as the S 4 will also be ready, for its sea trials, by the end of 2020. the S 4 submarine has eight vertical launch tubes, as compared to four launch tubes on the Arihant class submarines, and it can carry eight k4 missiles, with a range of 3,500 kilometers, or 24 k15 missiles, with a range of 750 to 1,500 kilometres. Another sister class submarine, of the S 4 class, known as the S 4 star, will also be ready, for sea trials by 2022 and its induction by 2024. For both the S 4 and the S 4 star, these boats will be equipped with the upcoming 5,000 kilometers range k5 submarine launched ballistic missiles. The Modi government has also approved the DRDO, to design and develop, the more capable k6 missile, which will have a range of 6,000 kilometers with full payload, and a range of 8,000 kilometers with lower payload.

The procurement of 93,895 Car 816 carbines, 553 million dollar deal, was expected to be discussed, at the defense acquisition Council meeting last Wednesday, but the deal did not make it to the agenda for that meeting, and it will be discussed, in the next meeting in August. Meanwhile, the European company Thales and the Indian company Bharat Forge, has written to the Ministry of Defence, that they are willing, to supply the F 90 carbines, at the same price, offered by the UAE based company Caracal. Bharat Forge had already signed an agreement, with the European defense company Thales, to develop and manufacture the F 90 in India.

Tata advanced systems Limited and idea Forge, have emerged finalists, in the mini UAV program of the Indian Army, under which, the Directorate of infantry, is now evaluating them, for meeting a requirement of, 60 indigenous mini unmanned aerial vehicles. Idea forge, has fielded its fixed-wing hybrid switch UAV, and it has a range of 15 kilometres, with an endurance of two hours, while the Tata advanced systems, has fielded its Acquilum, hand launched infantry drones in the competition, which has a range of 10 kilometres, with an endurance of one hour.

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